St. Stephen's Community of Faith (Church) Council
Scheduled meetings
Council meetings
Meeting Minutes
Congregational/Council Meeting -- June 25, 2023
Attendance Count: 30 members + 2 guests
Started at approximately 10:32 am
Financial Update:
John Wollbrinck found us a more affordable security system company
Continuing to have a surplus of revenue over our expenses
Can return the remaining unused grant monies to the state
Property Update:
Currently using Curt Williams’s and the Lubbens’ lawn mowers for the time being
Trying to move toward emission free lawn care
Could use help caring for the garden
Transformation Update:
Still trying to get supply pastors
Heard back from one supply minister that would be interested (but are unavailable until September)
Lots of supply pastors are less available during the summer
Ron Rosche still wants to help us, but will be unavailable for awhile due to the flooding of his apartment
Misc. Updates:
Coloradans for the Common Good (a community organizing group) have been meeting at the church
Hoping to build community (in Adams County) through this
Additional Announcements:
Food Bank
St. Stephen’s put together a food committee that has provided many meals for homeless people
Adjourned at 10:48 am
Notes Taken By: Grace Burke
Last Updated: 7/15/23
Council Meeting May 21, 2023
Called to order at 12:01 pm by Curt Williams; Opened with prayer by Pastor Mandy Achterberg
Present: Pastor Mandy Achterberg, Amy Burke, Grace Burke, Nancy Colette (virtual), Theresa Lubben, Karen Shifty, Sharon Thomas, Curt Williams, Tammy Wollbrinck
Sandra Vinnedge was present as a guest
Absent: N/A
Minutes from Previous Month (Secretary’s Report)
Need to specify that we started last meet early and that Tammy’s tardiness was excused
Moved to accept with corrections by Karen Shifty; Seconded by Curt Williams
Officer Reports
Pastor’s Report - Pastor Mandy Achterberg
Last Sunday: 6/11
Letter of Agreement (needs to be signed by June 30)
Need to hand over the old parish register (incomplete) and the new parish register
Will be passed over to the secretary (Grace Burke)
Need to finish some “housekeeping” items
Will finish making constitutional revisions, making a list of passwords and putting together a collection of the year’s readings
Tasks the council wants Pastor to do before her departure
Make a list of administrative tasks that Pastor is currently responsible for
Deal with the grant money
Will be trying a new transition process
Transition manual will be available in the office for guidance
Transition report from the previous transition was lacking in key aspects of the purpose of the report
Will need to include the whole congregation in this process
May need to increase the frequency of our council meetings
No full written report
Treasurer’s Report - Amy Burke
Added a comparison between our income and expenses on the report
Xcel Energy gave us a large bill last month
Will need to call them
Caused lots of bounced bills and fees
Had to transfer money out of the capital account
Our checking and savings accounts are down
Copier bill is still inflated
Will establish the finance committee and potentially have meetings later in the month (after the monthly council meeting)
Caren Johannes will be the financial secretary
Should start here before gathering a full committee
Still need to transition from Servant Keeper to Breeze
Looking into other payroll options (other than Clergy Financial)
Should have funds to help pay the lawn care bill
Should be prioritized
See Amy’s full report for further details
Moved to accept by Curt Williams; Second not needed
President’s Report - President Curt Williams
New Business
Transformation of Ministry process
Deacon Janice and the synod office suggested we take our time and not rush ourselves into anything
Concern over who will take over all of Pastor’s duties (including those that were previously covered by our secretary)
Council needs to discuss what the possibilities are for future worship
Discussion over the future of the bulletin
Discussion over how to do communion without a pastor present
Sandra recommends that Pastor make an announcement about what the official role of worship leaders is
Continuing Business
Council vacancies (Vice President position, 1 general position)
Tammy nominated herself for the Vice President position
Pastor moved to close nominations
Moved to accept Tammy as Vice President by Karen Shifty; Seconded by Theresa Lubben
Will inquire with Frank Gibbard regarding rules for Sharon Thomas
Member Care & Fellowship
Property - Phil Strain (given by Curt Williams in lieu of Phil)
Boiler room issue with Nueva Vision still ongoing
Need to have more frequent meetings with the other churches that use our space
Will start meetings with them soon
Will the compensation from Phil Strain (for the lawnmower) cover the new mowers
Could get a business account with Ace to help us get rid of the old mowers
Should deal with the snowblower
Still at a stalemate over the shed
Nueva Vision wants a shipping container, but council is vehemently against that
Downspouts on both buildings have gone missing (and were probably stolen)
Worship & Music - Curt Williams
Planned through June
Will have some supply pastors to help us throughout the transition period
Selecting supply pastors will be delegated to council
Adjourned at 2:16 pm
Theresa Lubben left early at 1:58 pm
Next Meeting: June 4, 2023; June 25, 2023 (congregational picnic)
Notes Taken By: Grace Burke
Last Updated: 6/24/23