We invite everyone into the fullness of God's love -- regardless of race, creed, color, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, physical or mental ability, immigration status or station in life.

St. Stephen's Lutheran Church

Growing in God's Grace

Interim Pastor Randy Mundt

10828 N. Huron Street 

Northglenn, CO  80234

303-452-5469 (office)  

Office hours - by appt. only. Please send email to to schedule

Please join us.

Sunday worship  Schedule

All Sunday worship services are In-Person and on ZOOM

Sunday Worship, 9:00 am

 click here to join by "ZOOM"

Interim Pastor Randy Mundt

Our Mission:  Nurture all to be followers of Jesus Christ and grow in God's grace in a changing world.

Service Schedule:

--  Sundays @ 9a.m.

18th Sunday after Pentecost (9/22/24) @ 9 a.m.

**Looking forward to seeing you!!!

Click Here to ZOOM all of our church worship services remotely!!!

Meeting ID: 876 0834 4518                 Password: 369289 

What is the message on this Sunday after Pentecost (a.k.a. Ordinary Time)?

O God, our teacher and guide, you draw us to yourself and welcome us as beloved children. Help us to lay aside all envy and selfish ambition, that we may walk in your ways of wisdom and understanding as servants of your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. 

Rocky Mountain Synod of the ELCA is a Reconciling in Christ Synod

Mission & Values of St. Stephen's Lutheran Church of Northglenn:

Nurture all to be followers of Jesus Christ and grow in God's grace in a changing world.


Frequently Asked Questions?

What are services like?

Check out our service bulletins on this Page.  This will show the order of worship.
Council made the decision to require proof of vaccination for in-person worship beginning January 9, 2022.  If you are not fully vaccinated with required proof, you are invited to join worship via Zoom. 
You will find a "Click Here" button at the top of all our webpages for our Sunday Worship ZOOM link

How should I dress?

For our ZOOM calls the dress code is not different from an In-Person worship.  A lot of people, women and men, will be wearing jeans. You will see people in shorts when the weather is warm.  A few men wear a suit or blazer and a button-down shirt with dockers.  Some women will wear skirts or capris and dresses while a couple of others will be wearing their Sunday finest sometimes topped off by an amazing hat.   You are an individual your choice of church wear can be just as individually defining.   

How is Communion done virtually?

Sunday Communion

Our Lutheran Communion is OPEN to ALL who are baptized whether in the Lutheran or any other denomenation.
For in-person worship we will gather at the altar rail to recieve the sacraments.
For ZOOM participants, Pastor Mandy will invite you to lift elements as she says the words of institution. If you do not desire to take communion for whatever reason, that is just fine, Pastor Mandy will offer a blessing for you as well. 
Click Here for two bread recipes, both hail from two of our seven ELCA seminaries. The one from Luther Seminary is wonderful and fairly easy to make, but not recommended for those with gluten sensitivity. The one from LTSS is also quite wonderful, a bit more involved, but perfect for anyone needing a gluten free bread. 

The children?

We welcome children in worship as vital members of the body of Christ.  All children are invited to attend worship with their parents or guardians and sit near the front so they can see something other than the backs of adults! A cry room/nursery is located just outside the sanctuary.  Parents/guardians are welcome to walk with their children or to utilize the cry room/nursery as needed. Children's activity bags are available at the entrance to the sanctuary. For safety's sake, we must insist that parents/caregivers accompany younger children if they leave the sanctuary for any reason during worship. 

What happens before and after services?

Sunday morning ZOOM gatherings are a time for both community building and worship.  After Sunday morning service we offer ZOOM coffee and conversation as an opportunity for members and visitors to see and talk with each other about themselves and their involvement in the community.
Sunday morning in-person fellowship is encouraged with coffee and a pastry from our kitchen nook.
Thank you for joining our community for worship and fellowship!!!

Let us know you are visiting.

We have Homemade Chocolate Chip cookies for you.  Follow this link to fill out a Visitor card.  The alternate method is to fill out the visitor form in the pew pocket or ask an Usher or Pastor Mandy if you cannot find the visitor form.

St. Stephen's Lutheran Church Community of Faith

St. Stephen's supports Ralston House Child Advocacy Center.